organ_function_hypertension #
The concept we in STRONG AYA refer to as “organ_function_hypertension” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C55060.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Hypertension, CTCAE” and is defined as “A disorder characterized by a pathological increase in blood pressure.”
organ_function_hypertension values #
In STRONG AYA, this concept is recorded as “no”, “yes” and “missing_or_unspecified”.
The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “no” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C49487.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “No” and is defined as “The non-affirmative response to a question.”
The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “yes” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C49488.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Yes” and is defined as “The affirmative response to a question.”
The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “missing_or_unspecified” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C54031.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Missing” and is defined as “Not existing; not able to be found.”