
bespoke_q7_organ_problem #

The concept we in STRONG AYA refer to as “bespoke_q7_organ_problem” is identifiable through shortcode strongaya:bespoke_q7.
This shortcode is custom and does not appear in standard vocabularies.

bespoke_q7_organ_problem values #

In STRONG AYA, this concept is recorded as “brain”, “heart”, “breathing”, “kidneys” and “missing_or_unspecified”.

The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “brain” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C12439.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Brain” and is defined as “An organ composed of grey and white matter containing billions of neurons that is the center for intelligence and reasoning. It is protected by the bony cranium.

The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “heart” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C12727.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Heart” and is defined as “A hollow organ located slightly to the left of the middle portion of the chest. It is composed of muscle and it is divided by a septum into two sides: the right side which receives de-oxygenated blood from the body and the left side which sends newly oxygenated blood to the body. Each side is composed of two chambers: the atrium (receiving blood) and ventricle (ejecting blood).

The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “breathing” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C12779.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Respiratory System” and is defined as “The organs involved in the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen including the trachea, bronchi, and lung parenchyma.

The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “kidneys” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C12415.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Kidney” and is defined as “One of the two bean-shaped organs located on each side of the spine in the retroperitoneum. The right kidney is located below the liver and the left kidney below the diaphragm. The kidneys filter and secrete metabolic products and minerals from the blood, thus maintaining homeostasis. On the superior pole of each kidney there is an adrenal gland. Each kidney and adrenal gland is surrounded by fat.

The value we in STRONG AYA refer to as “missing_or_unspecified” is identifiable through shortcode ncit:C54031.
In standard vocabularies this shortcode refers to “Missing” and is defined as “Not existing; not able to be found.